Hawbaker Pitches In

BELLEFONTE — For years Bellefonte Little League had a big dream; adding a third ball field to its Webster Field Complex. The group wanted to have enough space to allow all the teams to play games and practice at the complex, but it needed a little help to make that happen.
Recently, Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc. stepped to the plate to assist the league and help make the big league dreams a reality.

GOH has engineered, designed and completed the layout of the field and surrounding components. It also has committed to excavating and grading the field, furnishing and spreading topsoil and seeding the field and distribution area, with an assist by Greene’s Landscaping in Milesburg. Crews have been surveying the area and the league expects heavy equipment to start moving dirt sometime in the next few weeks.

GOH is doing all this at no cost to the league. All this is a big help to a league that wants to provide as much as possible for its participants.

“Having the Glenn O. Hawbaker (Inc.) step up to partner with Bellefonte Little League on our third field is a dream come true,” said league president Bill Carey. “Their unbelievable generosity will enable us to build a safe, fun place for the children of Bellefonte to play baseball for generations to come. It has been near impossible for our league to serve our kids in the manner they deserve with a complex so small. This company truly cares about the community they work in and they truly care about kids. We have a long way to go to finish our project, but the very foundation is being provided by the Glenn O. Hawbaker corporation, and we can never truly thank them enough.”

Carey said he is hopeful the grass will be growing and this part of the project will be complete by the end of August. After, the league will be moving on to the next phase of the project, which includes perimeter fencing, construction of dug outs, excavation and placement of infield dirt and the purchase and installation of the scoreboard.

These improvements will allow Bellefonte Little League to accommodate more practices and games as well as the ability to host local, regional and state baseball tournaments.

Carey said that while some of the funds for this next phase of the project have been raised, there is still much more needed to make it all come together. He hopes the league can raise enough to get started with some of this work in the fall, and then continue in the spring. Those who would like to support the league can find information at www.bellefontelittleleague.org.

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